Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Start: New York City <3

I have officially been a resident of New York City for 2 weeks!! Unfortunately I have not had the time to update everyone on my arrival so there is plenty to write about.

Within the first 24 hours of my arrival my roommate and I found the perfect flat in the Upper West Side (just 2 blocks from Central Park!) The area is ideal. There are plenty of shops and restaurants located on Broadway and the Subway station is just around the corner! In the first few days of us getting to know the area Caroline Rhea tripped me on my way out of a local diner! She apologized and I just looked at her and then realized it was her!

Upon moving in we happened to miss the note about calling the electric company; so for the first 48 hours of living in the apartment we had no electricity. This is an experience to remember and now we are fully prepared in case we ever lose power; we now have a variety of candles and several flashlights!

As soon as it was possible, we hopped on the Subway and headed to Brooklyn to visit the Ikea store where we could furnish our new apartment! After this past weekend, we have completely unpacked all of our belongings and are now settling in comfortably into our own apartment. ny


JosephJordan said...
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JosephJordan said...

Neat-OH…congratulations on the move. I loved how didn’t recognize Carolina Rhea and kept going. I promise to stay in touch; check out my blog.

Camille said...

Hey Nicole, Congratulations on finding an apartment and employment. The interesting thing about moving to NY is that I might be doing the samething at the end of next year. I met a guy that lives in NY and he wants to get married (crossing my fingers). I hope that you are having the time of your life.